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APEX Tutoring offers different math and science tutoring services based on your needs.  We provide rapid, expert support to help you excel in your coursework.   When you ask us a question via Monthly Subscription or On-Demand tutoring, we send you a personalized response.  For more complicated problems we can send a video solution/explanation such as this:

We offer several math and science tutoring services to fit your needs.  When you book a session, we’ll contact you to set up your personalized tutoring experience.


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Subjects we can help you with:

Physics Courses Science Courses Math Courses
AP Physics 1 & 2 Biology Algebra I
AP Physics C (Mechanics) Chemistry Algebra II
AP Physics C (Elec & Mag) AP Biology Geometry
Mechanics AP Chemistry Trigonometry
Electricity & Magnetism Geoscience AP Calculus AB
Waves AP Environmental Science AP Calculus BC
Optics Astronomy AP Statistics
Quantum Mechanics Astrophysics Multivariable Calculus
Thermodynamics Anatomy Differential Equations
Modern Physics Forensic Science Linear Algebra

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